Tuesday, February 26, 2013


The Wedding by Nicholas Sparks

Last week, I mentioned that Wilson and Jane's daughter Ana, surprised her parents when she told them that her and Keith were getting married in a week. Wilson was even more surprised to find out that his daughter chose the date where he and Jane will be celebrating their thirty year anniversary. As part of his goal to court his wife again, Wilson began to plan something special for their anniversary but with the announcement now of their daughter’s wedding he realizes now that his job has now become harder. Jane has been staying busy shopping and making wedding preparations with Ana and Wilson feels that she is taking advantage of this so that she doesn't have to spend this time at home with him. He has been doing everything from cooking dinner, spending less time at work, even talking and listening to her. He frequently finds himself regretting not taking the time to this during their 29 years of marriage. He also blames himself for the awkwardness in their marriage, an awkwardness that had to do with their empty nest. He realizes that putting his careers before the needs of his family and taking the stability of their marriage for granted was the biggest mistake he ever made. I am now reading chapter 5.
This novel is about issues that many of marriages experience. I enjoy reading it because it reminds me of the little things that really matter in a marriage and how we cannot take anything for granted in a relationship.
Reading Time & Date
2/23/13 9:00-10:30 (90minutes)

Friday, February 15, 2013


The Wedding

Wilson visited his father in law (Noah) at the nursing home to talk to him about his fear of his marriage coming to an end. Through conversations with Noah, he realized that in order to save his marriage to Jane he had to make her fall in love with him all over again. Initially, he thought this would not be hard since they've been together for almost three decades but then he realized his life with Jane had become a pattern that was not conductive to renewing any kind of passion. Wilson realized courting Jane again was not going to be as easy as he originally thought. Seeking for some sort of direction, Wilson began to read books on self-help, and how to improve a marriage. He began to spend more time at home with Jane, cooked dinner, complimented her frequently, and even started to exercise to lose weight. Wilson knows that it will take a long time to restore Janes's passion for him, until one day he began to glance through family albums, and with his 30th anniversary approaching, he thought of a great idea (book doesn't say what yet). He wakes up every morning energized and feeling positive about his plan with Jane. Suddenly, he receives news from his daughter Anna that she is getting married. Anna, thought that in honor of her parents (Wilson and Jane) she would get married on their anniversary.
So far I am enjoying this Nicholas Sparks novel, and I wonder know if Wilson's daughter’s wedding will change his plans for Jane.

Reading Time 1 1/2 hours 2/15/13 11:00-12:30 pm

Monday, February 4, 2013


 The Wedding by Nicholas Spark

This week I began to read The Wedding by Nicholas Sparks. The wedding is a sequel to The Notebook which is the first romantic novel I ever read and the reason for my obsession with Nicolas Spark’s novels. The novel is the story about Jane who is the oldest daughter of Allie and Noah (from the Notebook) and her husband Wilson. Wilson is a lawyer who has been working for the same law firm for the past 30 years, and Jane was an elementary school teacher who raised their three children while he spent most of his time at work. Wilson regrets not spending much time with his children, but is comforted by the thought that Jane made up for his absences. Their children, Anna, Joseph, and Leslie are all grown up and maintain a close relationship with their parents especially with their mother Jane. Wilson came to the realization a year ago that his relationship with Jane was drifting apart when he forgot his 29 year wedding anniversary. Wilson loves Jane as much as the day he married her and his feelings for her have not changed, but he is not so sure if Jane feels the same way about him anymore. He recognizes he has never been the romantic husband but he has always been a faithful and dependable husband. Wilson was so worried that his relationship with Jane was not improving; he went to talk to Jane’s father Noah. After talking about talking to Noah, Wilson knew exactly what to do. He had to make his wife fall in love with him all over again!!!

I love this story as so many married couples can relate to this story. I did not want to put the book down, and I am looking forward to sneaking in reading time next week.
9:00-10:30 90 Min


#3 Ricky Martin Autobiography

This week I was able to finish reading my book and excited to have been able to do so. I have always been a fan of Ricky Martin but after reading Ricky Martin's biography, I respect him more as an artist. Ricky Martin has a successful career while in famous boy band Menudo but that came with a price. He was separated from his family for remaining adolescent and teenage years. He was taken advantaged of and worked so hard for little money. He had no one to guide him but his managers who were the same ones who gained from all his hard work. All they cared about was fame and money. Sometimes we see people on the outside they seem to have the perfect life but you read about their life you realize it is not the case. In addition to the fame, he also experienced a lot of pain in his life. His experiences made him a better man. I can't wait to begin reading by next book, one of my favorite author’s novels The Wedding by Nicholas Sparks.
1/27/2013 9:00-9:30 am