Monday, February 4, 2013


#3 Ricky Martin Autobiography

This week I was able to finish reading my book and excited to have been able to do so. I have always been a fan of Ricky Martin but after reading Ricky Martin's biography, I respect him more as an artist. Ricky Martin has a successful career while in famous boy band Menudo but that came with a price. He was separated from his family for remaining adolescent and teenage years. He was taken advantaged of and worked so hard for little money. He had no one to guide him but his managers who were the same ones who gained from all his hard work. All they cared about was fame and money. Sometimes we see people on the outside they seem to have the perfect life but you read about their life you realize it is not the case. In addition to the fame, he also experienced a lot of pain in his life. His experiences made him a better man. I can't wait to begin reading by next book, one of my favorite author’s novels The Wedding by Nicholas Sparks.
1/27/2013 9:00-9:30 am 

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