Tuesday, February 26, 2013


The Wedding by Nicholas Sparks

Last week, I mentioned that Wilson and Jane's daughter Ana, surprised her parents when she told them that her and Keith were getting married in a week. Wilson was even more surprised to find out that his daughter chose the date where he and Jane will be celebrating their thirty year anniversary. As part of his goal to court his wife again, Wilson began to plan something special for their anniversary but with the announcement now of their daughter’s wedding he realizes now that his job has now become harder. Jane has been staying busy shopping and making wedding preparations with Ana and Wilson feels that she is taking advantage of this so that she doesn't have to spend this time at home with him. He has been doing everything from cooking dinner, spending less time at work, even talking and listening to her. He frequently finds himself regretting not taking the time to this during their 29 years of marriage. He also blames himself for the awkwardness in their marriage, an awkwardness that had to do with their empty nest. He realizes that putting his careers before the needs of his family and taking the stability of their marriage for granted was the biggest mistake he ever made. I am now reading chapter 5.
This novel is about issues that many of marriages experience. I enjoy reading it because it reminds me of the little things that really matter in a marriage and how we cannot take anything for granted in a relationship.
Reading Time & Date
2/23/13 9:00-10:30 (90minutes)

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