Thursday, March 7, 2013


The Wedding by Nicholas Sparks


As Wilson reflected on their 30 years of marriage he continued to wonder what led their marriage to this point. They both felt awkwardness in the marriage but neither he nor Jane spoke about it. Wilson realizes that the problem in his marriage was due to simple neglect, mostly his. Placing his career above the needs of his family and taken marriage for granted was his big mistake. He also admits his lack of romance also played a part and that love must be sustained by actions. As part of his plans of courting Jane again, Wilson has been actively involved in his planning of his daughter’s wedding, cooking dinner for him and Jane, and spending more time listening to his wife. Jane now has something to keep herself occupied which is the planning of their daughter’s wedding, and Wilson uses this opportunity to spend more time talking to Jane. Jane and Anna have spent a lot of time making preparations for the wedding but they have not found a venue yet. Suddenly, Wilson suggested the perfect place for the wedding, Noah's house (Jane's parent’s house). When Wilson saw Jane's face expression, he knew she loved the idea.
Date Reade 3/3/13
Time 9:00-10:30

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